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Publications by Hanna Leahy
Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Workplace Health and Wellbeing Services in the NHS From the Perspective of Senior Leaders and Wellbeing Practitioners: A Qualitative Study
BMC Public Health
Public Health
Occupational Health
Related publications
Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Facilitators of and Barriers to the Utilisation of and Access to Maternal Health Services in Eritrea: A Qualitative Study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
The Behavioural Paths to Wellbeing: An Exploratory Study to Distinguish Between Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing From an Activity Perspective
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
Social Psychology
430 Wellbeing at Work; A European Perosh Perspective and Wellbeing Tree
“Chaplains for Wellbeing” in Primary Care: A Qualitative Investigation of Their Perceived Impact for Patients’ Health and Wellbeing
Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy
Clinical Psychology
Religious Studies
Barriers and Facilitators to Mental Health Help-Seeking for Young Elite Athletes: A Qualitative Study
BMC Psychiatry
Mental Health
Lone Parents, Health, Wellbeing and Welfare to Work: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies
BMC Public Health
Public Health
Occupational Health
Realising the Health and Wellbeing of Adolescents
British Medical Journal
A Study on Factors Affecting Psychological Wellbeing at Workplace
Users' Perspectives of Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing EHR in Canada: A Study Protocol
Implementation Science
Public Health
Health Informatics
Health Policy
Occupational Health