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Publications by Harry I. Hadley
Duty Module Validation for Accomplishing Training Feedback. Volume II. The Relationships Among CODAP Tasks, Skill Qualification Test Tasks and Duty Module Tasks
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Duty Module Validation for Accomplishing Taining Feedback. Volume 1. System Design for Training Feedback A Python Module for Creating Experiments, Tasks and Questionnaires
The Journal of Open Source Software
Offshoring, Tasks, and the Skill-Wage Pattern
SSRN Electronic Journal
Intelligent Feedback Scheduling of Control Tasks
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Neural Changes After Training to Perform Cognitive Tasks
Behavioural Brain Research
Behavioral Neuroscience
Visual Feedback Stabilization of Balancing Tasks With Camera Misalignment
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
Unifying Explicit and Implicit Feedback for Rating Prediction and Ranking Recommendation Tasks
Construct Validation of the Perceptions of As-Sessment Tasks Inventory
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology