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Publications by Hartmut Wittig
Hadronic Light-By-Light Scattering Contribution to the Muon G – 2 on the Lattice
EPJ Web of Conferences
Computing the Adler Function From Vacuum Polarization
Fitting Strategies to Extract the Axial Charge of the Nucleon From Lattice QCD
Study of the Hadronic Contributions to the Running of the QED Coupling and the Weak Mixing Angle
Low Energy Particle Physics and Chiral Extrapolations
Suppression of Excited-State Effects in Lattice Determination of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
Exploring the Effects of Open Boundary Conditions on Baryonic Observables
Determination of the Relativistic Corrections to the Static Inter-Quark Potential From Lattice QCD
QCD Thermodynamics With Two Flavours of Wilson Fermions on Large Lattices
Panel Discussion on Chiral Extrapolation of Physical Observables
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements