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Publications by Hideki Takada
Subsidence Rate of the Underground Quaternary System for the Past 150,000years in the Kumamoto Plain, Kyushu, Japan.
The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu)
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Subsidence Rate and Sediments of the Last Interglacial Epoch in the Kumamoto Plain, Japan.
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Factor Analysis on Land Subsidence in the Nobi Plain, Southwest Japan
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Characteristics of the Surface Ruptures Associated With the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence, Central Kyushu, Japan
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Local Land Subsidence Exacerbates Inundation Hazard to the Kujukuri Plain, Japan
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Underground Structure in the Fukui Plain
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An Analysis on the Relationship Between Land Subsidence and Floods at the Kujukuri Plain in Chiba Prefecture, Japan
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