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Publications by Hirosi TOMIOKA
Life Cycle of the Pea Crab Pinnotheres Bidentatus Living in Hitotsuba Inlet, East Coast of Kyushu, Japan
Japanese journal of benthology
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The Hyuganada Tsunami of 1984 and Tsunami Activity Off the East Coast of Kyushu
Zisin (Journal of the Seismological Society of Japan. 2nd ser.)
An Isotopic Characterization of Sulfur Uptake by Benthic Animals From Tsuyazaki Inlet, Northern Kyushu, Japan
Plankton Investigation in Inlet Waters Along the Coast of Japan -Xii. The Plankton of Miyako Bay on the Eastern Coast of Tohoku District-
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Geomorphic Development of the Western Part of Oita Coastal Plain in Holocene Period, East-Central Kyushu, Japan
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Natural History of the Pea Crab in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand
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Plankton Investigation in Inlet Waters Along the Coast of Japan -Vii. The Plankton Collected During the Cruises to the New Yamato Bank in the Japan Sea-
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The Micro-Seismicity in Kakuto Caldera, Kyushu, Japan
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Late Pleistocene Tephrochronology of Kyushu Region, Japan
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