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Publications by Hirotaka KUBO
Development of a Lithium Beam Probe and Measurement of Density Pedestal in JT-60U
Plasma and Fusion Research
Condensed Matter Physics
Impurity Transport and Its Application to Ion Temperature Measurement in JT-60U Divertor Plasmas
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research
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Development of Real-Time Measurement System of Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy and Its Application to Feedback Control of Ion Temperature Gradient in JT-60U
Plasma and Fusion Research
Condensed Matter Physics
Radial Patterns of Instability and Transport in JT-60U Internal Transport Barrier Discharges
Probe Measurement in a High-Density Lonized Gas
Bulletin of the JSME
Edge Harmonic Oscillations at the Density Pedestal in the H-Mode Discharges in CHS Heliotron Measured Using Beam Emission Spectroscopy and Magnetic Probe
Journal of Nuclear Materials
High Energy Physics
Materials Science
Nuclear Energy
Achievement of 1.5 MW, 1 S Oscillation by the JT-60U Gyrotron
Plasma and Fusion Research
Condensed Matter Physics
Dynamic Transport Study of the Plasmas With Transport Improvement in LHD and JT-60U
Nuclear Fusion
High Energy Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Screening Tests of Isotropic Graphites and C/C Composites for JT-60U Plasma Facing Components
Technique for Measurement of Photoacoustic Wavesin Situwith Ultrasound Probe Beam
Journal of Applied Physics