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Publications by Hye Young Lee
Rapamycin Induces Glucose Intolerance in Mice by Reducing Islet Mass, Insulin Content, and Insulin Sensitivity
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Molecular Medicine
Drug Discovery
The Association Between Low Vitamin D Status and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease in Korean Premenopausal Women: The 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013–2014
Korean Journal of Family Medicine
Family Practice
Differences of Respiratory Function According to Level of the Gross Motor Function Classification System in Children With Cerebral Palsy
Journal of Physical Therapy Science
Physical Therapy
Sports Therapy
P-N Based Photoelectrochemical Device for Water Splitting Application Alpha-Hematite (Α-Fe2O3)-Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) as N-Electrode & Polyhexylthiophene (Rrphth) - Nanodiamond (ND) as P-Electrode
MRS Advances
Developments of Multi-Channel Silicon Avalanche Photodiode Sensors for Low Light Imaging Detection
Reaction Rate of $^{15}$O$(\alpha,\gamma)^{19}$Ne via Indirect Measurements