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Publications by Hyun Chul Kim
Comparative Genetic Diversity of Wild and Released Populations of Pacific abaloneHaliotis Discus Discusin Jeju, Korea, Based on Cross-Species Microsatellite Markers Including Two Novel Loci
Animal Cells and Systems
Animal Science
Molecular Biology
Ten New Microsatellite Markers in cutlassfishTrichiurus Lepturusderived From an Enriched Genomic Library
Animal Cells and Systems
Animal Science
Molecular Biology
Argon Laser Photoablation for Postburn Conjunctival Pigmentation
Case Reports in Medicine
Expression of Perforin Gene for Early Development of Nephrons in Olive Flounder (Paralichthys Olivaceus)
Development & Reproduciton
Transcriptional Onset of Lysozyme Genes During Early Development in Olive Flounder (Paralichthys Olivaceus)
Development & Reproduciton
The Expression Analysis of Complement Component C3 During Early Developmental Stages in Olive Flounder (Paralichthys Olivaceus)
Development & Reproduciton
Expression Analysis of Lily Type Lectin Isotypes in the Rock Bream, Oplegnathus Fasciatus: In the Tissue, Developmental Stage and Viral Infection
Development & Reproduction