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Publications by Ilalova R. К.
Thermometry of Ni-Bearing Chlorites in the Kolskiy Massif (Northern Urals)
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva
Materials Chemistry
Economic Geology
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Physicochemical Modeling of the Formation of Gold-Bearing Magnetite-Chlorite-Carbonate Rocks (Karabash Massif, South Urals)
Granites of the Gerdiz Massif (Polar Urals): New Data
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Ontogenesis of Corundum Deposits of the Ray-Iz Massif, the Polar Urals
Nurali Ophiolite Massif (The Southern Urals): Geological, Structural, and Mineralogical Features
Вестник Пермского университета. Геология
Cryogenic Minerals in Caves of the Vizhay River (Northern Urals)
Вестник Пермского университета. Геология
CdTe Quantum Dot Fluorescence Thermometry of Rolling Bearing
Paleo-Landscapes of the Northern Patagonian Massif, Argentina
The Final Stage of the Acid Island Arc Magmatism in the Northern Urals
Доклады Академии наук
In Situ Strontium and Sulfur Isotope Investigation of the Ni-Cu-(Pge) Sulfide Ore-Bearing Kevitsa Intrusion, Northern Finland
Mineralium Deposita
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