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Publications by Ivana Svačinová
Reaction of Winter Wheat Cultivars to Eyespot Assessed Visually and by Real-Time PCR
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Plant Science
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Effects of Sharp Eyespot (Rhizoctonia Cerealis) on Yield and Grain Quality of Winter Wheat
European Journal of Plant Pathology
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Crop Science
Detection of Plasmodium Vivax by Nested PCR and Real-Time PCR
Korean Journal of Parasitology
Infectious Diseases
Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance by Visually Recognizing Laser Patterns
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Evaluation of Real-Time PCR Amplification Efficiencies to Detect PCR Inhibitors
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Forensic Medicine
Real-Time PCR Arrays
A Real Time Text Detection & Recognition System to Assist Visually Impaired
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)