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Publications by J L Milner
Insertion proQ220::Tn5 Alters Regulation of Proline Porter II, a Transporter of Proline and Glycine Betaine in Escherichia Coli.
Journal of Bacteriology
Molecular Biology
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Contribution of Glycine Betaine and Proline to Water Deficit Tolerance in Pepper Plants
Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science
Proline Uptake by an Isolated Cytoplasmic Membrane Preparation of Escherichia Coli.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The Matrikine Acetylated Proline-Glycine-Proline Couples Vascular Inflammation and Acute Cardiac Rejection
Scientific Reports
Genetic and Physical Characterization of putP, the Proline Carrier Gene of Escherichia Coli K12
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Factors Reducing and Promoting the Effectiveness of Proline as an Osmoprotectant in Escherichia Coli K12
Intestinal Absorption of Glycine and Glycyl-L-Proline in the Rat
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SIT1 Is a Betaine/Proline Transporter That Is Activated in Mouse Eggs After Fertilization and Functions Until the 2-Cell Stage
Development (Cambridge)
Developmental Biology
Molecular Biology