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Publications by J. A. Harvie-Brown
A Tour in Sutherlandshire : With Extracts From the Field-Books of a Sportsman and Naturalist / With an Appendix on the Fauna of Sutherland by J.A. Harvie-Brown and T.E. Buckley.
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The Metaphysics of a Naturalist: Philosophical and Psychological Fragments.
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Modification of the Biological Effects of Ultraviolet Irradiation by Post-Irradiation Treatment With Iodoacetate and Peptone: With an Appendix on an Interpretation of the Effects of Post-Irradiation Treatments Based on a Chemical Model
Journal of General Microbiology
A Quantitative Investigation of the Bacterial and Protozoan Population of the Soil, With an Account of the Protozoan Fauna
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character