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Publications by J. F. Vinuesa
Stochastic Fields Method for Sub-Grid Scale Emission Heterogeneity in Mesoscale Atmospheric Dispersion Models
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
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A Parameterization of Sub-Grid Particle Formation in Sulfur-Rich Plumes for Global- And Regional-Scale Models
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Stochastic Reconstruction of Multiple Source Atmospheric Contaminant Dispersion Events
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A Method for Parameterising Roughness and Topographic Sub-Grid Scale Effects in Hydraulic Modelling From LiDAR Data
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Computational Dispersion Properties of Vertically Staggered Grids for Atmospheric Models
Monthly Weather Review
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A Multi-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method on Non- Uniform Grids for Large Eddy Simulation of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection Using Two Sub-Grid Scale Models
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
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Characterizing Near-Road Air Pollution Using Local-Scale Emission and Dispersion Models and Validation Against In-Situ Measurements
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