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Publications by J. M. Sogo
Altered 3'-Terminal RNA Structure in Phage Q Adapted to Host Factor-Less Escherichia Coli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Conjugal Transfer of Immunity to Phage Multiplication in Escherichia Coli K-12
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Participation of Escherichia Coli Integration Host Factor in the P1 Plasmid Partition System.
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Crystal Structure of Escherichia Coli Rnk, a New RNA Polymerase-Interacting Protein
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Function of the C-Terminal Domain of the Alpha Subunit of Escherichia Coli RNA Polymerase in Basal Expression and Integration Host Factor-Mediated Activation of the Early Promoter of Bacteriophage Mu.
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RNA-Linked Nascent DNA Fragments in Escherichia Coli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America