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Publications by J. M. Uyehara
Hemispheric Differences for Verbal and Nonverbal Stimuli in Japanese and English Speaking Subjects Assessed by Tsunoda's Method
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
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Contextual Determinants of Visual Recognition With Verbal and Nonverbal Stimuli
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Mismatch Negativity Occurrence With Verbal and Nonverbal Stimuli in Normal-Hearing Adults
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Verbal and Nonverbal Neuropsychological Test Performance in Subjects With Schizotypal Personality Disorder
American Journal of Psychiatry
Mental Health
Age- And Sex-Related Differences in Temporal Judgments to Visual Stimuli: Support for Hemispheric Equivalence
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Verbal and Nonverbal Language in EFL Classrooms
Revista Leitura
Functional Developmental Similarities and Differences in the Neural Correlates of Verbal and Nonverbal Working Memory Tasks
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Professional Development in Japanese Non-Native English Speaking Teachers' Identity and Efficacy
Verbal Inflection, Feature Inheritance, and the Loss of Null Subjects in Middle English
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences