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Publications by J. Nourrigat
Integral Formulas for the Weyl and Anti-Wick Symbols
Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
Applied Mathematics
Sur Le Spectre De l'Équation De Dirac (Dans $\Mathbb{R}^3$ Ou $\Mathbb{R}^2$) Avec Champ Magnétique
Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure
Related publications
Integral Formulas With Weight Factors
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics
Integral Representation Formulas and $L^p$-Estimates for the $\Bar{\partial}$-Equation.
Mathematica Scandinavica
Spectral Flow as Winding Number and Integral Formulas
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Applied Mathematics
Some Integral Formulas for Hypersurfaces and a Generalization of the Hilbert-Liebmann Theorem
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Applied Mathematics
Some Integral Formulas for the Complete Elliptic Integrals of the First and Second Kind
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Applied Mathematics
The Islamic Symbols in Indonesian Anti-Corruption Poetry
Certain New Integral Formulas Involving the Generalized $K$-Bessel Function
Communications in Numerical Analysis
Explicit and Recursive Formulas, Integral Representations, and Properties of the Large Schröder Numbers
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics
Weights for Commutators of the One-Sided Discrete Square Function, the Weyl Fractional Integral and Other One-Sided Operators
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics