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Publications by J. Pająk
The Effect of Linseed Oil and Selenium on the Content of Fatty Acids and Some Elements in the Liver and Selected Tissues of Sheep
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
The Fatty Acid Profle of Meat of Suckling Lambs From Ewes Fed Rapeseed and Linseed
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
The Effect of Selenium and Linseed Oil on Growth of Sheep and Content of Selected Fatty Acids in M. Longissimus Dorsi
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
Short-Term Vasopressin Analogue Treatment Does Not Influence the Nitrogen Balance in Sheep
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
Use of Nylon Bags of Different Porosity to Study the Role of Different Groups of Rumen Ciliates in in Situ Digestion of Hay in Sheep
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
The Urinary Excretion of Purine Derivatives in Sheep Is Not Influenced by Long Term Treatment With Vasopressin
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Animal Science
Food Science
Positron Annihilation in Pure and Hydrogenated Palladium Deformed by Uniaxial Tension
Acta Physica Polonica A