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Publications by J. TOMAN
Cleaning and Sterilization in Breweries From the Standpoint of CIP Method. Part 2. Cleaning Angents.
Kvasny Prumysl
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Pollution Prevention in Food Industries Through Both Cleaning of Closed Equipment With Ozonated Water and Cleaning in Place (CIP) Systems
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
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Application of Turbulent Pulsating Flows to the Bacterial Removal During a Cleaning in Place Procedure. Part 2: Effects on Cleaning Efficiency
Journal of Food Engineering
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Sterilization Laws From a Legal Standpoint
Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology
Surface Contamination, Cleaning Technologies and Evaluation in Precision Cleaning Fields.
Seimitsu Kogaku Kaishi/Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
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The Cleaning of Ward Floors and the Bacteriological Study of Floor-Cleaning Machines
Journal of Clinical Pathology
Forensic Medicine
Negative Pressure of the Environmental Air in the Cleaning Area of the Materials and Sterilization Center: A Systematic Review
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
Cleaning Pictorial Heritage Management and Dissemination of Cleaning Records and Stratigraphic Data
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era
ECR Discharge Cleaning of JFT-2 Tokamak (II)
Fireproof Cleaning of Tanks From Oil Sediments
News of the Ural State Mining University