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Publications by J. Vannimenus
Transfer Matrix Calculation of Conductivity in Three-Dimensional Random Resistor Networks at Percolation Threshold
Journal de Physique Lettres
Fully Frustrated Simple Cubic Lattices and the Overblocking Effect
Journal de Physique
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Percolation Properties of a Three-Dimensional Random Resistor-Diode Network
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Generalized Percolation in Random Directed Networks
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Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters at the Percolation Threshold
Physical Review Letters
Experimental Percolation Studies of Random Networks
Review of Scientific Instruments
Precise Determination of the Critical Threshold and Exponents in a Three-Dimensional Continuum Percolation Model
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
How Clustering Affects the Bond Percolation Threshold in Complex Networks
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Three-Dimensional Modeling of Percolation Behavior of Electrical Conductivity in Segregated Network Polymer Nanocomposites Using Monte Carlo Method
Advances in Materials
Two-Dimensional Continuum Percolation Threshold for Diffusing Particles of Nonzero Radius
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Directed Percolation: Calculation of Feynman Diagrams in the Three-Loop Approximation
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