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Publications by Jaanus Paal
Calcareous Pine Forests on Gotland, Their Typology and Main Soil Properties/ Gotlandi Kaltsifi Ilsed Männikud; Nende Tüpoloogia Ja Muldade Peamised Omadused
Forestry Studies
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Cultural Studies
Foliar and Soil Nutrient Relationships in Red Oak and White Pine Forests
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Planetary Change
Elevation and Vegetation Influences on Soil Properties in Chilean Nothofagus Forests
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Environmental Science
Biological Sciences
Semi-Arid Plantation by Anatolian Black Pine and Its Effects on Soil Erosion and Soil Properties
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
Läbi Raskuste Tähtede Poole: Doktoritööde Juhendajate Kraadiõpingute Kogemused Ja Nende Seosed Juhendamispraktikaga
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education
Impact of Soil Amendments on Soil Heat and Moisture Content in Calcareous Soil
Alexandria Science Exchange Journal
Oil Spills and Their Effect on the Properties of Soil
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Mõningaid Võrdlusmomente Kesk-Assüüria Ja Uus-Assüüria Raidkirjadest, Kroonikatest Ja Annaalidest 1500–612 eKr Ning Nende Tekstide Tõlkimisega Seotud Probleemid
Paar sammukest. Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi aastaraamat