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Publications by Jalius Jama
The Implementation of Contextual Learning Approach in E-Learning Based on Weblog Toward Students Learning Achievements
Journal of Counseling and Educational Technology
Pengembangan Model Kurikulum Sekolah Inklusi Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Perseorangan Anak Didik
Jurnal Pendidikan
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
The Effectiveness of Integrating Mobile Devices With Inquiry-Based Learning on Students' Learning Achievements: A Meta-Analysis
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Computer Science Applications
Implementation E-Learning Based Moodle on Physics Learning in Senior High School
Indonesian Journal of Science and Education
The Effect of the Differentiated Teaching Approach in the Algebraic Learning Field on Students' Academic Achievements
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The Effectiveness of the E-Module of Economics Learning on Problem-Based Learning Used to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes
Lecturers’ and Students’ Perception on Learning Model of Contextual-Based Academic Writing
The Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Teaching English
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Learning Communication Strategy Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning to Increase Awareness of Student Learning in South Sulawesi