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Publications by James A. McEwen
Why Is It Crucial to Use Personalized Occlusion Pressures in Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Rehabilitation?
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
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Pharmacovigilance for Novel Oral Anticoagulants: Why Is It So Crucial?
Journal of Pharmacovigilance
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Rehabilitation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Why It Matters
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Molecular Neuroscience
Why Self-Assessing Is Crucial for Placement
The PEth Blood Test in the Security Environment: What It Is; Why It Is Important; And Interpretative Guidelines
Journal of Forensic Sciences
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COPD and Muscle Loss: Is Blood Flow Restriction a Potential Treatment?
Journal of Trainology
Why Beam Analysis Is Crucial for Additive Manufacturing
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Why Is It Wrong to Breach an ASBO?
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If the Robot Is There, Why Not Use It? Why We Should Use the Robot for Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
BJU International