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Publications by James Rothman
Book Review: Clinical TrialsClinical Trials.SchwartzDaniel Pp 281£15London: Academic Press1980
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
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Book Review: Metals in the EnvironmentMetals in the Environment. WaldronH a (Ed) Pp 333£22.40London: Academic Press1980
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Book Review: Platelet TransfusionPlatelet TransfusionListerT a & MalpasJ S (Ed) Pp 56£3.95Lancaster: MTP Press1980
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Book Review: Current Views on Hypoglycemia and GlucagonCurrent Views on Hypoglycemia and Glucagon (Proceedings of the Serono Symposia, Vol 30) AndreaniD (Ed) Pp 511£24.40London: Academic Press1980
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Book Review: Clinical ElectroencephalographyClinical Electroencephalography.KilohL.G. And OsseltonJ.W.. Butterworth's. 1961. Pp.135. $10.00.
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal
Priorities for Academic Libraries (Book Review)
College and Research Libraries
Information Sciences
Book Review: The Treatment of Medical Problems in the ElderlyThe Treatment of Medical Problems in the ElderlyDenhamM J (Ed) Pp 431£16.95Lancaster: MTP Press1980
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Book Review: Rightsizing the Academic Library Collection
Library Resources & Technical Services
Pleistocene Mammals of Iowa (Pp.1-281)
Iowa Geological Survey Annual Report
Book Review: Clinical Urinalysis
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical Biochemistry