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Publications by Jason S. Haukoos
Is Prehospital Advanced Life Support Harmful?
Annals of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine
Demographics, Bystander CPR, and AED Use in Out-Of-Hospital Pediatric Arrests
Emergency Nursing
Emergency Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine
Validation of the Denver Emergency Department Trauma Organ Failure Score to Predict Post-Injury Multiple Organ Failure
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Prediction of Postinjury Multiple-Organ Failure in the Emergency Department
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
Critical Care
Intensive Care Medicine
Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Denver, Colorado: Epidemiology and Outcomes
Academic Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Comparison of Droperidol and Haloperidol for Use by Paramedics: Assessment of Safety and Effectiveness
Prehospital Emergency Care
Emergency Nursing
Emergency Medicine
Association of Neighborhood Characteristics With Bystander-Initiated CPR
Survey of Anesthesiology