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Publications by Jeffrey Kingsley
Manufacture of Primary Mirror Segments for the Giant Magellan Telescope
Related publications
The Giant Magellan Telescope Adaptive Optics Program
The Instrument Development and Selection Process for the Giant Magellan Telescope
Optical Calibration and Performance of the Adaptive Secondary Mirror at the Magellan Telescope
Scientific Reports
Advanced Abrasive Processes for Manufacturing Prototype Mirror Segments for the World’s Largest Telescope
Advanced Materials Research
Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope Primary Mirror Surface Sensing and Controllability
Active Primary Mirror Support for the 21-M Telescope at the San Pedro Mártir Observatory
Applied Optics
Making a Telescope Mirror
International Astronomical Union Colloquium
The Chinese Giant Solar Telescope
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Planetary Science
2.7-M Liquid-Mirror Telescope