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Publications by Jeong Cheol Shin
環跳(gb30) 秦艽藥鍼이 신경병리성 통증 유발 흰쥐에 미치는 영향
The Acupuncture
Research Trends in Pharmacopuncture Treatment for Lateral Epicondylitis
Journal of Acupuncture Research
The Effects of Pharmacopuncture Injected at (BL) on Neuropathic Pain in Rats
The Acupuncture
Systematic Review of Fire Needling or Warm Needling Treatment for Ankle Sprain
Journal of Acupuncture Research
A Case Report of a Patient With Relapsing Transverse Myelitis Treated by Korean Medical Treatment
The Acupuncture
Clinical Case Study of Facial Nerve Paralysis With Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Caused by Traumatic Temporal Bone Fracture
The Acupuncture