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Publications by Jerekias Gandure
Effect of Variation in Co-Digestion Ratios of Matooke, Cassava and Sweet Potato Peels on Hydraulic Retention Time, Methane Yield and Its Kinetics
Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems
On-Road Performance Analysis of Tallow Biodiesel on a 2.8 Toyota Raider Hilux
International Journal of Sciences
Biodiesel for Sustainable Energy Provision in Developing Countries
Low Carbon Economy
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Yield and Quality of Wilted Sweet Potato Vines and Its Silages
Horticultura Brasileira
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Effect of Variety and Size of Stem Cutting on Flesh Root Yield and Yield Components of Sweet Potato
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B
Effect of Water Stress and Planting System on Growth, Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus
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Preheating Improved Crispness of Cassava and Purple Sweet Potato Chips
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Effect of Irrigation Intervals, Antitranspirants, Compost and Humic Acid on Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato
Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research
Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Wastewater Sludge: A Review of Potential Co-Substrates and Operating Factors for Improved Methane Yield
Process Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Production of Bacterial Amylases and Cellulases Using Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas. (L.) Lam.) Peels
African Journal of Biochemistry Research
Influence of Vines Production Methods and Their Combination With Time of Harvest on Tuber Quality and Yield of Sweet Potato
International Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences
Effect of Flowering Slips on the Yield of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batata (L.) Lam.) Tubers
African Journal of Agricultural Research