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Publications by Jessica Terman
Overcoming the Barriers to Green Procurement in the County: Interest Groups and Administrative Professionalism
Journal of Public Procurement
Public Administration
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Overcoming the Social and Psychological Barriers to Green Building
Organization and Environment
Organizational Behavior
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Barriers to Communication and Overcoming Them
Overcoming Technical Barriers to Brewing With Green (Non-Kilned) Malt: A Feasibility Study.
Journal of the Institute of Brewing
Food Science
On the Limitation of Public Interest to Private Interest in Administrative Law
Overcoming Migrants’ Barriers to Health
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Public Health
Occupational Health
International Knowledge Flows and the Administrative Barriers to Mobility
SSRN Electronic Journal
Overcoming Barriers to Healthcare Access and Delivery
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology
Computer Science
Health Informatics
Overcoming the Barriers to Diagnosis of Morquio a Syndrome
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
Immunotherapy in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma—overcoming Barriers to Response
Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology