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Publications by Ji-Young Jo
Effects of Electro-Conductivity on Growth of Beet and Turnip in the Reclaimed Land Soil
Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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Effects of Torrefied Wood Chip and Vermicompost Application on Vegetation Growth and Nutrient Uptake in the Saemangeum Reclaimed Land
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Effects of Soil Depth and Drought on Reclaimed Woodlands in West Central North Dakota
Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation
Studies on the Growth of Trees and Shrubs for Landscaping in the Sand Areas of the Reclaimed Forshore Land
Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architects
Chemical and Physical Properties of Andosols in Aomori Prefecture Described in a Soil Survey Report on Reclaimed Land
Journal of Agronomy
Crop Science
Response of Sugar Beet Growth, Productivity and Quality to Foliar Application of Different Forms of Boron Microelement and Number of Sprays Under New Reclaimed Soil Conditions
Egyptian Journal of Agronomy
Effects of Soil Moisture on the Germination and Emergence of Sugar Beet (Beta Vulgaris L.)
Agricultural and Food Science
Food Science
Effects of a Super Absorbent Polymer on Soil Properties and Plant Growth for Use in Land Reclamation
Arid Land Research and Management
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Establishment and Evaluation of Switchgrass on Reclaimed Mine Soil
Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation