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Publications by João Duarte
Adaptive Model Rules From High-Speed Data Streams
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
Computer Science
Perceptions Towards a Healthy Diet Among a Sample of University People in Portugal
Nutrition and Food Science
Food Science
Dietary Fibre: Eating Habits and Knowledge in Different Regions of the Globe
Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health
Fatores De Risco Em Saúde Mental: Contributos Para O Bem-Estar Biopsicossocial Dos Profissionais Da Saúde
Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental
Adaptation and Validation of the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale for Portuguese Higher Education Students
Revista de Enfermagem Referencia
Fatores Associados Ao Baixo Peso Ao Nascer
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD de Psicología.
Perceção Das Mães Sobre as Intervenções De Enfermagem Promotoras Da Amamentação: Impacto Na Sua Prevalência
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD de Psicología.
Development of a Questionnaire to Assess People’s Food Choices Determinants
Current Nutrition and Food Science
Public Health
Food Science
Occupational Health
Emotional Skills and Promoting School Success in the 3rd Cycle: Students Perception