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Publications by John Kaldor
Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection and Superinfection Among Treated and Untreated Participants With Recent Infection
Male Circumcision and HIV Transmission; What Do We Know?
Open AIDS Journal
Public Health
Infectious Diseases
Occupational Health
Sociocultural and Individual Determinants for Motivation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Workers in Papua New Guinea and Their Implications for Male Circumcision as an HIV Prevention Strategy
Human Resources for Health
Public Health
Public Administration
Occupational Health
Epidemic Surveillance in a Low Resource Setting: Lessons From an Evaluation of the Solomon Islands Syndromic Surveillance System, 2017
BMC Public Health
Public Health
Occupational Health
The Chlamydia Knowledge, Awareness and Testing Practices of Australian General Practitioners and Practice Nurses: Survey Findings From the Australian Chlamydia Control Effectiveness Pilot (ACCEPt)
BMC Family Practice
Family Practice
Incomplete Recording of Indigenous Identification Status Under-Estimates the Prevalence of Indigenous Population Attending Australian General Practices: A Cross Sectional Study
BMC Health Services Research
Health Policy
Dynamics of HCV RNA Levels During Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Journal of Medical Virology
Infectious Diseases
Comparison of Recording of Hepatitis B Infection in the NSW Perinatal Data Collection With Linked Hepatitis B Notifications
Public Health Research and Practice
Public Health
Occupational Health
Using Mathematical Modelling to Help Explain the Differential Increase in HIV Incidence in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland: Importance of Other Sexually Transmissible Infections
Sexual Health
Public Health
Infectious Diseases
Occupational Health
Enhancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People's Resilience to Blood-Borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections: Findings From a Community-Based Participatory Research Project
Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Public Health
Home Care
Occupational Health