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Publications by John Soraghan
Micro-Doppler Classification of Ballistic Threats Using Krawtchouk Moments
GNSS Based Passive Radar for UAV Monitoring
3-Dimensional Throat Region Segmentation From MRI Data Based on Fourier Interpolation and 3-Dimensional Level Set Methods
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Features Extraction of Rotationally Symmetric Ballistic Targets Based on Micro-Doppler
Progress In Electromagnetics Research
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IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation
Electronic Engineering
Micro-Doppler Extraction and Analysis of the Ballistic Missile Using Rda Based on the Real Flight Scenario
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Human, Robotics Close Motion Classification Based on the Micro Doppler Signature Using HSVD
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
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Moving Target Tracking and Classification Based on Micro-Doppler Signatures
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
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Automatic Classification of MPSK Signals Using Statistical Moments
The International Conference on Electrical Engineering
Template Free Micro Doppler Signature Classification for Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles
Defence Science Journal
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Computer Science Applications
Chemical Engineering
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Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signatures
IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation