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Publications by John V. Ringwood
The Impact of Time-Frequency Estimation Methods on the Performance of Wave Energy Converters Under Passive and Reactive Control
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Renewable Energy
the Environment
Identification of Wave Energy Device Models From Numerical Wave Tank Data—Part 2: Data-Based Model Determination
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Renewable Energy
the Environment
A Simple and Effective Real-Time Controller for Wave Energy Converters
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Renewable Energy
the Environment
Adaptive Control of a Wave Energy Converter
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Renewable Energy
the Environment
Validation of a CFD-based Numerical Wave Tank Model for the Power Production Assessment of the Wavestar Ocean Wave Energy Converter
Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
the Environment
A Geometric Tool for the Analysis of Position and Force Constraints in Wave Energy Converters
Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Nonlinear Optimal Wave Energy Converter Control With Application to a Flap-Type Device
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Evanescent Wave Reduction Using a Segmented Wavemaker in a Two Dimensional Wave Tank
Non-Invasive Anaerobic Threshold Measurement Using Fuzzy Model Interpolation
Comparison of Numerical Simulations With Experimental Measurements for the Response of a Modified Submerged Horizontal Cylinder Moored in Waves