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Publications by José Côté
Efficacy of Adaptive E-Learning for Health Professionals and Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
BMJ Open
Supporting Work Practices Through Telehealth: Impact on Nurses in Peripheral Regions
BMC Health Services Research
Health Policy
Improving Health and Reducing Comorbidity Associated With HIV: The Development ofTAVIE en Santé, a Web-Based Tailored Intervention to Support the Adoption of Health Promoting Behaviors Among People Living With HIV
BioMed Research International
Molecular Biology
Le Libre Accès, Une Priorité Pour La Recherche en Santé
Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé
Développement D’une Plateforme Web Pour Réduire L’usage De Cannabis Chez Les Jeunes Qui Fréquentent Les Centres D’éducation Des Adultes
Drogues, santé et société
Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé
Un Univers Scientifique Plus Inclusif : Est-Ce Possible?
Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé
Factors Related to Quality of Life in Treatment-Adherent, Successfully Treated HIV Patients in France
Open Nursing Journal