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Publications by Jung-Ouk Kim
Effects of Waveform Distribution of Tsunami-Like Solitary Wave on Run-Up on Impermeable Slope
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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Wave Run-Up on Composite Slopes
Coastal Engineering Proceedings
Hydraulic Experiment for Distribution of Sand Deposit Formed on Slope by Tsunami
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE))
Wave Transmission: Spectral Changes and Its Effects on Run-Up and Overtopping
A Study on Wave Run-Up Height on a Sloping Revetment Considering the Effect of Water Depth at the Toe of the Slope
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering)
Parameters Influencing Wave Run-Up on a Rubble Mound Breakwater
Coupling Between Shallow Water Equation and K-Ω Model for Simulating Breaking Solitary Wave Run-Up
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering)
Numerical and Experimental Study on Tsunami Run-Up and Inundation Influenced by Macro Roughness Elements
Coastal Engineering Proceedings
Characteristics of Impact Force on Vertical Wall Caused by Splashdown of Run-Up Water Column After Tsunami Collision
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering)