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Publications by Justin Sweet
Strategies for Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield
Acta Geologica Sinica
Building a Geophysical Earth Observatory for Ice-Covered Environments (GEOICE)
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Advanced High Resolution Seismic Imaging, Material Properties Estimation and Full Wavefield Inversion for the Shallow Subsurface
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Full-Wavefield Migration by Inversion
Elastic-Wavefield Seismic Stratigraphy: A New Seismic Imaging Technology
Deep-Learning Based Ocean Bottom Seismic Wavefield Recovery
Simple FM Recording System for Seismic Observation
Zisin (Journal of the Seismological Society of Japan. 2nd ser.)
Numerical Implementation of Seismic Wavefield Operators via Path Integrals
Crossline Wavefield Reconstruction From Multimeasurement, Towed Marine Seismic Data and Its Implications for Imaging