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Publications by K. Makinson
Seabed Topography Beneath Larsen C Ice Shelf From Seismic Soundings
Cryosphere Discussions
Earth-Surface Processes
Water Science
Related publications
The Larsen Shelf Ice
Journal of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
Centuries of Intense Surface Melt on Larsen C Ice Shelf
Nonlinear Interaction Between Ocean Tides and the Larsen C Ice Shelf System
Geophysical Research Letters
Planetary Sciences
Surface Melting on Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Annals of Glaciology
Earth-Surface Processes
Past and Future Dynamics of the Brunt Ice Shelf From Seabed Bathymetry and Ice Shelf Geometry
Creep Deformation and Buttressing Capacity of Damaged Ice Shelves: Theory and Application to Larsen C Ice Shelf
Earth-Surface Processes
Water Science
Creep Deformation and Buttressing Capacity of Damaged Ice Shelves: Theory and Application to Larsen C Ice Shelf
Cryosphere Discussions
Earth-Surface Processes
Water Science
Subglacial Landforms Beneath Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica: Detailed Bed Topography From Ice-Penetrating Radar
Earth System Science Data Discussions
A Multidecadal Analysis of Föhn Winds Over Larsen C Ice Shelf From a Combination of Observations and Modeling
Atmospheric Science
Environmental Science