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Publications by K. Yoneyama
Fluridone Restores Orobanche Minor Seed Germination in the Light
Journal of Weed Science and Technology
Promotive Effects of Rice Seed and Plant Growth Substances on Seed Germination of Ducksalad (Heteranthera Limosa)
Journal of Weed Science and Technology
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Germination of Allanblackia Floribunda Seeds: The Effect of Soak Duration in Fluridone on Germination and Seedling Growth
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Light Governs the Germination of Impatiens Wallerana Hook. F. Seed
Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science
Interactions of Light and a Temperature Shift on Seed Germination
Plant Physiology
Plant Science
Temperature Signals in Seed Germination
Philosophy of Science
Effects of Light and Temperature on Seed Germination in Cecropia Hololeuca Miq. (Cecropiaceae)
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Influence of Light Intensity and Photoperiod on the Seed Germination of Four Rhododendron Species in Taiwan
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
Crop Science
The Biosynthetic Origin of Germination Stimulants for Orobanche Ramosa (L.) in Tobacco and Arabidopsis
Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment
Seed Germination in Abies Nebrodensis (Pinaceae)
Flora Mediterranea
Plant Science
Light and Germination
Botanical Gazette