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Publications by KATSUYA IWATSUBO
Action of Reserpine on the Lethal Effect of Cytotoxic Alkylating Agents
The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
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Combined Cytotoxic Effect of Isoproterenol With Alkylating Agents in HeLa Cells.
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Effects of Alkylating Agents on T2 and T4 Bacteriophages
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Observations on the Chemosterilization of Two Alkylating Agents, Metepa and Hempa on House Flies
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735 Contribution of Alkylating Agents in the Cytogenetic Diagnosis of Fanconi Anemia
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The Mode of Action of Reserpine on the Transmembrane Potential of Rabbit's Atrium in Vitro
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Proceedings: Alkylating Agents as Industrial Carcinogens
British Journal of Cancer
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