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Publications by Keiji YANO
Canonical Trend Surface Analysis of Residential Structure in the Tokyo City Area
Japanese Journal of Human Geography
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The Overlying Influence of Underground Structure and Impermeable Surface of the Ground on Groundwater Recharge in Residential Area Construction
Surface Displacement Induced by Liquefaction of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake in Tokyo Bay Area Using Insar Analysis
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering)
Characteristics of the Small-Scale Residential Development in a Suburb of Tokyo Metropolitan Area Viewed From Change of Residents
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Seasonal Analysis of Microbial Communities in Precipitation in the Greater Tokyo Area, Japan
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Inscribing the City: A Flâneur in Tokyo
Anthropology Matters
Modeling the Shallow Subsurface Structure in the Urban Area of Kochi City
Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering