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Publications by Kelsey J. Phelps
Comparison of Conventional and Alltech Beef PN Finishing Programs: Performance And
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports
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Comparison of Conventional and Alltech Beef PN Finishing Programs: Meat Water-Holding Capacity and Tenderness
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Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin Improves Growth Performance in Finishing Beef Steers.
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Effect of Soybean, Feather and Hair Meals and Fat on the Performance of Growing-Finishing Beef Cattle
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Evaluation of Ractopamine HCl Feeding Programs on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Pigs
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports
Effects of Somatotropin Treatment on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, and the Endocrine System in Finishing Beef Heifers.
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Performance Comparison of Cold in Place Recycled and Conventional HMA Mixes
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Effects of Early or Conventional Weaning on Beef Cow and Calf Performance in Pasture and Drylot Environments
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Finishing Cattle in All-Natural and Conventional Production Systems
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Evaluation of Beef Growing and Finishing Systems to Reduce Corn Use