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Publications by Kenichi MAEDA
Priming Effects of Lipopolysaccharide and Inflammatory Cytokines on Canine Granulocytes
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Countermeasure Against Liquefaction Using Drainage Diaphragm Wall Focused on the Effect of Dissipation of Water Pressure
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM))
CFD Analysis on the Influence of Wave Overtopping With the Shape Condition of Wave Dissipating Structure Before the Seawall Induced by Seawave
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering)
A Case of Rectal Cancer With Pagetoid Spread and a Case of Perianal Paget's Disease
Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of Japan Surgical Association)
Peer Relations and Loneliness in Childhood: Children's Peer and Self-Perceptions of Their Aggression, Withdrawal, and Social Competence
Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of Loneliness and Characteristics of Social Behavior in Peer-Rejected Children
Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology