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Publications by Kenji Horie
Earth's Youngest Exposed Granite and Its Tectonic Implications: The 10–0.8 Ma Kurobegawa Granite
Scientific Reports
Absent Ductus Venosus Associated With Partial Liver Defect
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous Tiantangshan A-Type Granite in Northwestern Guangdong Province, SE China and Tectonic Implications
Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition
U-Pb Zircon and Hf Composition of Granite Song Ma Block
Science and Technology Development Journal - Natural Sciences
Hematological Alterations Among Quarry Workers Exposed to Granite Dust in Thailand
International Research Journal of Pharmacy
Weathered Granite Soils
Results of the Radiological Survey at the Granite City Steel Facility, Granite City, Illinois
Smolt Monitoring at the Head of Lower Granite Reservoir and Lower Granite Dam, 2005 Annual Report.
The Granite Aqueduct and Autometamorphism of Plutons
The Granite State Nurseries, 1932 /
The Plume-Dependent Granite-Rhyolite Magmatism