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Publications by Kenji Matsuda
Diarylethene Self-Assembled Monolayers: Cocrystallization and Mixing-Induced Cooperativity Highlighted by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy at the Liquid/Solid Interface
Chemistry - A European Journal
Organic Chemistry
Radical Cation Π-Dimers of Conjugated Oligomers as Molecular Wires: An Analysis Based on Nitronyl Nitroxide Spin Labels
Chemistry - A European Journal
Organic Chemistry
Atomic Structures of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si Alloys With Small Additions of Other Elements
Advanced Engineering Materials
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Effect of Copper Addition on the Cluster Formation Behavior of Al-Mg-Si, Al-Zn-Mg, and Al-Mg-Ge in the Natural Aging
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
Mechanics of Materials
Condensed Matter Physics
Aging Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Al–Mg–Si–X (X = Cu, Ag, Pt, Pd) Alloys Produced by High-Pressure Torsion
Materials Transactions
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Microstructure and Properties of TiAlN/a-C Nanocomposite Coatings Prepared by Reactive Sputtering
Materials Transactions
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Successful Laparoscopic Resection for Cap Polyposis: Case Report, Literature Review
Surgical Case Reports
Alpha-Fetoprotein-Producing Rectal Cancer Successfully Responded to Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy: Case Report
Surgical Case Reports
Experimental and Computational Studies of Competitive Precipitation Behavior Observed in an Al-Mg-Si Alloy With High Dislocation Density and Ultrafine-Grained Microstructures
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics
Effect of Copper on Fine Precipitates at the Early Stage of Aging in Al–Mg–X (X=Si, Ge, Zn) Alloys
Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Chemistry
Mechanical Engineering