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Publications by Kenji Tanabe
Mp36-05 Changes in Pattern of Recurrence Over Time After Radical Nephrectomy in Patients With Localized Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Journal of Urology
Improper Ferroelectrics as High-Efficiency Energy Conversion Materials (Phys. Status Solidi RRL 5/2017)
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Spherical and Spatial Distribution of WZ Sagittae Type Dwarf Novae
Relationship Between Water Tolerance and Cyanide-Resistant Respiration in Pear Rootstocks.
Engei Gakkai zasshi
Effects of Spur Defoliation and Girdling on Fruit Growth, Fruit Quality, and Leaf and Shoot Carbohydrate Levels on the Spurs of Different Ages in 'Nijisseiki' Pear.
Engei Gakkai zasshi
Effect of Chilling Treatment on Intensity of Bud Dormancy, Respiration and Endogenous Growth Regulators in Japanese Pear 'Nijisseiki'.
Engei Gakkai zasshi
Distribution of 13C Administered to a Leaf of a Bearing Shoot of Fig Trees During the Fruit Enlargement and Maturation Stages at the Lower Nodes.
Engei Gakkai zasshi
Determination of Ethylene Synthetic Genotypes Related to Ripening in Japanese Pear Cultivars
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Tolerance to Lime-Induced Iron Chlorosis of Asian Pear Rootstocks (Pyrus Spp.)
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science