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Publications by Kenjiro Kawano
Effect of Brine Injection Into Shallow Formation on Land Subsidence in the Southern Kanto Gas Field, in Japan
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
Planetary Sciences
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Pilot Test of Study on Brine Injection Into Shallow Formation for Mitigating Land Subsidence in the Southern Kanto Gas Field in Japan
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Groundwater Management Based on Monitoring of Land Subsidence and Groundwater Levels in the Kanto Groundwater Basin, Central Japan
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Factor Analysis on Land Subsidence in the Nobi Plain, Southwest Japan
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Economic Geological Study on the Southern Kanto Gas-Producing Region
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Monitoring Shallow Subsidence in Cultivated Peatlands
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Age Spectra of Detrital Zircons From Shallow Marine Cretaceous in Southern Kanto, SW Japan: Change in Composition of Fore-Arc Sandstones in Response to the Rejuvenation of Provenance Crust
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