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Publications by Kenneth Fox
Physical Activity, Screen Time and Obesity Status in a Nationally Representative Sample of Maltese Youth With International Comparisons
Vibration-Rotation Interactions in Infrared Active Overtone Levels of Spherical Top Molecules; 2ν3 and 2ν4 of CH4, 2ν3 of CD4
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Molecular Physics,
Theoretical Chemistry
Como Avaliar O Modo Como as Pessoas Se Percebem Fisicamente? Um Olhar Sobre a Versão Portuguesa Do Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP)
Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto
On the Microwave Spectrum of Methane in the Atmospheres of the Outer Planets
Symposium - International Astronomical Union
Radio-Frequency Observations of Interstellar CH4 and HC5N
Symposium - International Astronomical Union
Helping Young Children Affected by Domestic Violence