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Publications by Kerstin Wiesner
Supplementary Material 1 From: Vogt J, Klaus VH, Both S, Fürstenau C, Gockel S, Gossner MM, Heinze J, Hemp A, Hölzel N, Jung K, Till K, Lauterbach R, Lorenzen K, Ostrowski A, Otto N, Prati D, Renner S, Schumacher U, Seibold S, Simons N, Steitz I, Teuscher M, Thiele J, Weithmann S, Wells K, Wiesner K, Ayasse M, Blüthgen N, Fischer M, Weisser WW (2019) Eleven Years’ Data of Grassland Management Data in Germany. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: E36387.
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Pr Gr Mm R : L M Ch N C T , L S St M T C T , L’ Nd T Rm N, L S R L T , L’ Rt
Supplementary Material 40 From: Seppälä S, Henriques S, Draney M, Foord S, Gibbons A, Gomez L, Kariko S, Malumbres-Olarte J, Milne M, Vink C, Cardoso P (2018) Species Conservation Profiles of a Random Sample of World Spiders I: Agelenidae to Filistatidae. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: E23555.