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Publications by Khalid Abd El-Hamed
Influence of Genotype, Salinity, Sulfur Treatments and Planting Container Size on Growth, Yield and Incidence of Gray Mold in Broccoli Plants With Propolis Extract as Disease Control Treatment
Hortscience Journal of Suez Canal University
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Influence of Ecologically Safe Plant Growth Regulators on Yield and Quality of Broccoli
Vegetable crops of Russia
Impact of Propolis Extract as Foliar Spray on Growth, Yield and Some Chemical Composition of Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) Plants Grown Under Calcareous Saline Soil
International Journal for Empirical Education and Research
Effect of Some Treatments on Reducing Salinity Injuries Effect on Growth, Yield and Quality of Eggplant
Journal of Plant Production
Influence of Plant Population and Weed Control Treatments on Associated Weeds, Growth, Yield and Quality of Faba Bean
Journal of Plant Production
Effect of Variations in Seed Size and Planting Depth on Emergence, Infertile Plants, and Grain Yield of Spring Wheat
Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Plant Science
Crop Science
Choline Sulfate Ester as Sulfur Source for the Growth of Mold
Shokubutsugaku Zasshi
Effect of Planting Density and Spacing on Growth and Yield of Onion
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Effect of Silicon and Algae Extract Foliar Application on Growth and Early Yield of Globe Artichoke Plants.
Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor
Synergistic Effects Induced by Combined Treatments of Aqueous Extract of Propolis and Venom
Medicine and Pharmacy Reports