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Publications by Kiyoshi TAKEWAKI
Histochemical Localization of Adenylate Cyclase in Hormonally Sensitized Rat Endometrium. Effect of Application of Deciduogenic Stimulus.
Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences
Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in the Vagina of Neonatally Androgenized Adult Rats
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Intrasplenic Ovarian Crafts in Cryptorchidized Rats
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Effect of Ovarian Androgen on Mouse Adrenal
Proceedings of the Imperial Academy
The Behavior of the Rat Ovary After Transplantation Into the Spleen.
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Effect of Testis Graft on Mouse Adrenal
Proceedings of the Imperial Academy
Hormone-Independent Persistent Changes in Reproductive Organs in Female Rats Induced by Early Postnatal Treatment With Androgen
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Note on a Subcutaneously Transplanted Mouse Testis With Spermatogenetic Activity
Proceedings of the Imperial Academy
Difference in Response to Uterine Trauma Between Androgen- And Estrogen-Sterilized Rats Ovariectomized and Given Injections of Progesterone Plus Estradiol
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Formation of Deciduomata in Response to Uterine Trauma in Reserpinized Immature Rats With Luteinized Ovaries
Proceedings of the Japan Academy